Coronation Mark Lodge 563
Two in One
On the 5th  of October an unexpected visitor arrived and was announced by WBro Steve Walls.
The Visitor who demanded admission into the Lodge, was Worshipful Brother David Winder Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
On entering the Lodge, W Bro Winder was warmly welcomed by The Worshipful Master Brother Alan Ledger.
Having been offered the Gavel of the Lodge, W Bro Winder declined the offer, explaining all will become clear later in the evening.
An item on the agenda was to advance two members of the Craft, into the Degree of Mark Master Mason. Brothers of the Craft, Ibrahim Husseyn a Cheshire Craft Freemason and Sean Nolan who is a West Lancashire Freemason, were the Candidates for Advancement.
Bro Alan Ledger performed an excellent ceremony for the candidates. V WBro Derek Horrocks, acting as Junior Warden stood ready to inflict the Ancient Punishment with vigour, however the Senior Deacon W Bro Geoff, pleaded if the Senior Warden would entrust them into his care, he promised to look after them.
On the completion of the Advancement ceremony the Worshipful Master Congratulated the Candidates and invited them to take their places in the lodge.
W Bro Winder congratulated all who took part and welcomed the newly Advanced Brethren.
Following on, the worshipful Master once again offered the Gavel to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who on this occasion accepted with pleasure. The purpose of which was to offer thanks, to a Brother for his gift to the Mark Benevolent Fund.
W Bro Herbie Fennings was decorated with a Collaret as a Patron of the Mark Benevolent Fund. In his kind and generous manner W Bro Herbie thanked W Bro David for the Collaret saying that he would wear it with pride. W Bro Herbie then offered a cheque to be presented to the West Lancashire Charities Fund.
The addition to the Proceedings, the newly acquired organ was played by Bro Colin Porter.
Unfortunately, W Bro David Winder was unable to attend the Festive Board, however he thanked all concerned and wished them all well.
Report and Photos By W/Bro Jack Parker